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Lauren Weleski

About Lauren Weleski

Lauren Weleski is a proud employee of Weleski Transfer Inc

Moving is already stressful. Adding frustrated or bored kids who are trying to cope with change can be a recipe for disaster, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

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Nothing beats a sturdy, easy-to-stack box for safely moving your belongings. But where do you get moving boxes? Sadly, it often seems like the supply of quality cardboard boxes has suddenly run out the closer you get to your moving date.

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One piece of paper, two pieces of paper, three… Without a document storage strategy, files can accumulate all over your desk. They pile up in near-bursting binders on your shelves, and in every closet and filing cabinet, before you can blink.

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For many students, moving into a college dorm room will mark the first time they've ever been away from family and old friends for the long term. It’s important to make dorm room surroundings familiar, cozy, and organized. That way they have somewhere to retreat to when school stress wears them out.

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You’ve probably seen the typical “I’m moving. Need boxes!” plea on Facebook. Sometimes people come through with boxes left over from their own recent move, but more often adequate packing supplies are scarce and those friends have to resort to hauling their clothes in black garbage bags.

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If you are contemplating a move to “The Burgh,” you might like to know what makes this city a good place to live, work, and play. So, here are some of Weleski Transfer’s top reasons why moving to Pittsburgh is a great idea. (Disclaimer: We love it here, so we may have just a smidgen of bias!

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Before you pack everything up in boxes and take it to your new home, you can do yourself a big favor by getting rid of the things you no longer need. Unless you are saving an item for someone else, if you haven’t used it in the last 3-5 years, there’s a good chance you never will.

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When the days grow longer and warmer, more people are on the move. School is out, mom and/or dad have vacation time coming, and so summer seems the most convenient (or least inconvenient) time to relocate.

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When you undertake a move to a different city or town, you’ll be settling into a new neighborhood. Every neighborhood has its own character, a unique mix of homes and businesses, green spaces and recreational facilities, churches, and schools.

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