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Get a Jump on Summer: Schedule Your Move Now. As you might guess, more people move during the summer than any other season of the year. In fact, Atlas handles almost twice as many moves during the busiest moving month (July) compared to the slowest (February).

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Every move begins with the decision to move. Once you’ve crossed that threshold, you have to formulate a plan. Will you move yourself—or enlist the help of a local professional mover?  If you decide on the latter course, how can you locate the right mover near you? It’s an important decision.

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School’s about to start. Time to get moving! It’s time to say goodbye to the lazy days of summer and get going back to campus. The new semester is about to start, and you want to be ready on day one to rock your way to the top of the dean’s list.

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Something we routinely offer customers is a free quote for moving services. This is pretty common in the moving industry—and it should be. Making a move isn’t an easy, one-size-fits-all purchase. Your move is uniquely yours; it may be similar to others, but it’s not identical.

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You’ve heard that moving is stressful (if you’ve ever moved, you know this is true) and it only gets more stressful if you have to deal with little ones when they become tired, bored, or cranky.

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“I hate when that happens.” I laughed out loud at those late-night skits where two friends recounted their moments of self-inflicted pain. Funny! But there’s nothing to laugh about if you make costly mistakes when moving. Here are three common pitfalls . . . and some tips for avoiding them.

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So, you’re moving and you've decided to shoulder some of the work yourself, namely the task of getting things boxed up and ready to load onto the truck. Depending on how much you have, packing can be daunting. However, as the old saying goes, “many hands make light work.

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What happens when moving with kids? The answers are as different as kids themselves. Some may be ready to wave goodbye to the old place with both hands. Others may be on a hair trigger for mutiny at the very mention of moving. Keep in mind that kids are people, too.

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What is “valuation”? And why is it important? I like full things. A full tank of gas. A full serving of dessert. A full moon. Yes, I think full is generally best. Especially when it comes to valuation.

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As I wrote in my previous post, I hope I can save you from getting scammed by a rogue mover. If you aren’t careful, your move can turn into a nightmare. Here are more safeguards you should know before you hire a mover.

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