Have you read The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, or learned about the KonMari method by watching the Tidying Up With Marie Kondo Netflix series? Even if you haven’t experienced the magic yourself, your friends and relatives have probably been sharing pictures left and right of their perfectly folded clothes standing vertically in their dresser drawers. Here are some cleaning and organizing tips from Marie Kondo that you can use to lighten the load before your move, and then keep everything organized when you move into your new home.
How to Tidy Up Before You Move
- Pile it up. Marie Kondo recommends sorting items by category rather than by room. Start by gathering every item of clothing in your home, from your closet to your bathroom floor, and creating a pile. Do the same for books, papers, miscellaneous items, and mementos.
- “Does this spark joy?” This might not be the first question you ask yourself while holding a pair of your socks, but it’s a useful one for paring down your possessions. Hold each article of clothing, every book you own, and every photograph you’ve kept over the years and ask yourself if it makes you feel happy.
- Say thank you and let it go. If it doesn’t, it’s time to toss it or give it away. Obvious exceptions are necessary household items like tools and cookware (although those might spark joy for you, too!). You can skip this step, but it can help to thank your belongings for their service before letting them go, especially when saying goodbye to mementos that were once important to you.
How to Tidy Up After You Move
- Use the filing method to fold clothes. Marie Kondo’s folding method is the best way to see all your clothing at a glance, without having to upheave neatly stacked garments to find the perfect pants. Follow the folding method to learn how to make your clothes stand upright on their own, and then stack them vertically in drawers like documents in a filing cabinet.
- Avoid re-cluttering. Before buying something new, ask yourself, “Does this spark joy?” If it doesn’t, and it’s not an absolutely necessary item, put it back. The fewer new items you add to your home, the more successful you’ll be at keeping everything tidy.
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